Treatment Approach

At Movement Solutions, we take great pride in our healing services. Our typical patients are specialized cases who need and demand the absolute best care. Many have complex conditions that require special treatments or have not been successful in other physical therapy environments. Movement Solutions believes in the value of wellness care for your family and have maintained an affordable pricing structure that allows care for all budgets.

Most often, our patients require: 

How we can Help

At Movement Solutions, we provide detailed assessments of physical abilities from general coordination and balance needed for posture, strength training, and movement retraining for joint support and pain relief, to the eye movements needed for reading, writing, copying and catching a ball. Using standard medical (non-invasive) tests, we can identify where signs of physical weakness, stiffness, or neuromotor immaturity are present and offer effective exercise programs to stimulate the development of mature motor skills. Many problems with balance, coordination, sports performance, reading, writing, spelling, math, underachievement, concentration, and behavior have their roots in immature development of physical abilities, which support many aspects of learning. We specialize in traditional physical therapy as well as address issues related to Neuro-Developmental Disorders.

A multi-dimensional approach to healing

Movement Solutions offers a multidimensional approach to treating our clients by looking at the entire body versus one part at a time. We have earned our doctorates in physical therapy and use multiple techniques to get the results that our clients want, including traditional strength and balance training, Kinetic Control, McKenzie Method, myofascial release, active inhibitory restabilization, muscle activation techniques, Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training, neuromuscular therapy, strain-counterstrain, and muscle energy techniques.

Developmental issues

While there are many social and educational reasons for specific learning difficulties, physical abilities are affected by every aspect of learning, from the eye movements needed for reading, hand/eye coordination for writing, sequencing for learning days of the week, months of the year and spatial awareness involved in solving certain mathematical problems and for social interaction. When these problems are corrected, we can start to achieve.


For additional Frequently Asked Questions, please follow our main webpage for more information Movement Solutions FAQ webpage