6 Ways to Modify Your Current Exercise Program

Here is a short video I made that discusses six ways to modify your current exercise program.   Enjoy!


Six ways to modify your exercise program

Some of the ways to modify your exercise program are:

1) Use a mirror to watch yourself perform the exercise. Most times, what we are not doing something a little funky and off. Using a mirror keeps us honest with the task.

2) Auditory - talk yourself through the exercise to make sure you don't miss the necessary steps.

3) Tactile support/stimulation - Touching a muscle that you want to focus on can increase your awareness of the muscle and improve activation and motor control.

4) Increasing your base of support - Increasing your base of support reduces the body's need to activate muscles for balance. In turn, you can focus on the muscles you want to isolate specifically.

5) Use of proprioceptive input - (This is important for people with motoric challenges/lacking proprioceptive input).   Resistance bands can be used for exercises in addition to strength training. In this example, the use of a resistance band provides mild resistance to wake up those tired muscles. 

6)Unload the exercise (aka. Use less weight) - Not all activities focus on strengthening. Sometimes your ego can get in the way and refuse to use anything less than a #20 dumbbell.  If positioned correctly, using smaller weighted dumbbells can target small unused muscles. When modifying your exercise program to target these muscles, you can see significant changes in the weeks ahead of when you go back to those #20 dumbbells.

7) Bonus Tip: Combine the above six techniques to improve muscle activation.

As always, let's keep our bodies in motion!



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