Green Language: Drama Free Communication for improving goal directed action

Hey there!

Green language describes what is real in our lives rather than labels or judges any event, process, or person. The use of Green Language activates the prefrontal cortex and related areas in the human brain. It steers the speakers and hearers' attention into the be-here-now moment, the moment where choices for goal-direction action are made.

To live "Green" is to live "owning," aware that I am responsible (response-able) for my own choices while fostering conditions for others to experience the same awareness. This results in one being "in-control" rather than being "control-ing."

The Victim-Rescuer-Persecutor (Red Language) approach to speaking and thinking activates the amygdala in the human brain to see the world and oneself in an on-going flight-or-fight drama of right vs. wrong, good vs. evil.

Here is a link to both the website and book to improve your communication.

Book  Green Language: Drama Free communication



I have found this book extremely valuable in identifying "less than positive language" and changing to a more positive and forward-moving conversation.



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